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seaweed at dusk on the beach
Hello fellow dreamers!


What have you been up to lately?

     I recently had the unfortunate privilege of cleaning out my Mother in laws closets after she passed away. Her collection was impeccable and her style was flawless- down to the last detail. Why is this important? Let me explain...

    You can tell so much about a persons life if you have the sad privilege of passing on their personal items at the end of their life. It is possible to get a detailed and fairly full picture of the kind of person they truly were. Through the physical, spiritual and sentimental items that were important to them and how they chose to organize- or not to organize- those items you can get an intense and impressive glimpse into their day to day life. In many instances if you look carefully enough, you may even be able to see signs of the way they viewed life as well.

      If you have ever had the good fortune to meet a person who can fill a room with delight, laughter and a need to find out "what's next?" just by walking in, then chances are you may have met my mother-in-law. Dorothy Lewis never backed away from a challenge. She made it clear from the moment she was present in any situation that she would never miss a beat. She was sharp, she was organized, and she was able to create joy and beauty wherever she went. 

     An impeccable collection like my mother-in -laws does not just appear out of thin air. It does not simply come ready-made either. A curated collection consisting of clothing, personal items, even homeware and the photos she chose to display come about through an incredible attention to detail, hard work, planning and the ability to show up fully and completely as your authentic self. This is a characteristic that my mother-in-law displayed in the fullest sense. In fact, if you met her, she made you want to show up too. Along with her amazing smile, she was always interested in understanding what your world was all about, how you got there, and how you can make it even better than when you found it.

      Our missions are never completed. We should never strive to be finished with what we came here to do. There is always more. We will never stop learning. We will never stop creating. We will keep showing up. To the best of our abilities we will keep working to leave this world more beautiful than when we found it.

       To our Bobby, our Mama Lew; we miss you. We cannot wait to show you the world we are creating.

       Wishing you and yours happiness and health. Keep showing up. We can't wait to see what you become.